This is a collection of testimonies from a wide range of people, some well known and others less so, as to the impact of the Bible on their lives. The 44 contributors range from theologians like Jim Packer and Alec Motyer, to preachers like Iain D Campbell and David Robertson, to well known Christians like Helen Roseveare and Rico Tice to an eclectic mixture of `regular’ believers whose names will not be widely known outside their own circles. Each has a short, sometimes very short, story to tell of how they have been influenced by the Scriptures. Interspersed between some of the chapters are short features on a number of Bible related facts and figures.
It’s a very easy and pleasant enough read but I kept asking myself two questions as I was reading – who is it aimed at and what is the purpose of the book? I still don’t have an answer to either question. At times I found the tone somewhat simplistic and even condescending and wondered whether it was aimed at children or a youth group constituency, but I see no mention of that objective in any of the publisher’s blurb. I can’t see it persuading a non-believer to read the Scriptures. At my most cyncial I would be tempted to say that it is a book published for the purpose of publishing another book – piced at £7.99 for 144 pages of very lightweight content.
I need to say that I greatly value Christian Focus publications, not to mention their generosity (up to now at least!) in sending me a free book for review from time to time, but yet again there are signs of sloppy editing. On page 20, they list the books of the New Testament but for some strange reason omit Acts and Revelation from the list, though they are referred to in the prefacing sentence. The `For Your Information’ section on page 119 is entitled `The Books of the Bible’ but only lists the New Testament books.
For the purpose of review, I received a complimentary copy of the book from the Publishers. I was under no obligation to write a positive review.
Christian Focus (20 Sept. 2011) Review written in 2011