The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

'Richard Baxter' Tagged Posts

This Day in HIS-story: January 24

1672 HT: Christian History Institute Richard Baxter was an English Puritan author, pastor, theologian, and controversialist. He gained a national reputation when revival broke out under his ministry at Kidderminster. England was fractured into many religious and political factions and he advocated peace, saying “In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity.”…

This Day in HIS-story: December 8

1691 Death of the English non-conformist pastor, Richard Baxter, considered the greatest preacher and probably the best-known religious author of his day. 1808 Adoniram Judson, formerly an infidel, writes in his journal: “This day I made a solemn dedication of my life to God.” He will go on to become one of America’s most famous…