The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

'John Calvin' Tagged Posts

This Day in HIS-story: November 2

  1533 HT: Diana Severance When the apostle Paul escaped Damascus by being lowered over the wall in a basket it was not the last time a Christian evangelist would dramatically flee from persecution. On this day, November 2, in 1533, John Calvin made a similar thrilling escape from Paris. A devout Catholic, Calvin studied law at the…

This Day in HIS-story: May 27

1549 HT: Dan Graves ELIZABETH DIRK‘S parents put her in a convent as a girl. We don’t know why, but that decision brought her to Christ—and to death. In the convent, Dirks* learned to read both Latin and her native Dutch. She pored over a Latin Bible. Becoming convinced monasticism was not biblical, she looked…