You can find The Isaiah Podcast here.

These are the last in a series of sermons I preached right through Isaiah between 2017 and 2019 at Grace Community Church, Broxburn
Isaiah 57:3-21 Who you fear you follow
Isaiah 58 Is your Worship Rebellious or Righteous, Pious or Practical?
Isaiah 59 Radical Depravity Requires Radical Repentance and Radical Salvation
Isaiah 60 God to Church: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
Isaiah 61-62 The Marriage Made in Heaven
Isaiah 63:1-6 Why All Christians Should Sing the Hallelujah Chorus
Isaiah 63:7-64:12 What The Church Needs Now – God!
Isaiah 66:1-6 True Worshippers Tremble at God’s Word
Isaiah 66:7-24 The Church and The Cemetery