Given a number of books to choose from for the purposes of review, I chose the biography of a man I confess I knew absolutely nothing of. John Perry tells the story of a quite remarkable character who overcame the most amazing difficulties and prejudices and attributed it all to his faith in the Creator God.
Carver was a black slave child in Missouri who was adopted by his white slave owners who demonstrated great love and affection for him and his sister. At an early age he gave evidence of an insatiable appetitie for knowledge and learning and also a belief and trust in God. The spiritual aspect of his life is, at times, interwoven into the background of his life as told here, though in a fairly general way. His Bible studies for his students were extremely popular and well attended though he never used a Bible as he led these.
His most influential work was done over decades at an agricultural school in Tuskagee, Alabama where, among many discoveries, Carver found 118 uses for the sweet potato and 265 uses for peanuts, earning him the title of `Peanut Man’. Something of an insecure eccentric who cared little for material things, Carver dedicated his life to finding ways to help disadvantaged black families rise out of their poverty through financial independence.. During the race disturbances of the 1920s, Carver followed a policy of working to show how blacks and whites could respect each other, learn from each other, and how they needed each other.
Carver was raised by a white couple, attended white churches, studied at white colleges, rubbed shoulders with some of the highest ranking whites in society and was honoured internationally, including being made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Great Britain.” He never made his race or colour an issue, though others did.
For the purpose of review, I received a complimentary copy of the book from Book Sneeze. I was under no obligation to write a positive review.
Thomas Nelson Inc (2 Aug. 2011) Review written in 2011