The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Book Reviews (Page 3)

Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What to Believe and Why it Matters

If you like reading biographies and/or autobiographies and theology then you’ll like this, because it’s both an autobiography of the author, an influential Pastor and Blogger in the States, and a very readable systematic theology. Joshua Harris traces his life from being raised in an evangelical Christian family through his years of rebellion, his conversion…


Derek Thomas begins his answer to the question, `Who was John Calvin?’ with the words “theologian, pastor, preacher, correspondent, churchman, statesman–John Calvin was all of these and more. Proverbially, he was more than just the sum of his parts. Five hundred years later, he is still read, argued over, defended, even vilified. For some, his…


“For many of us, the awakening of our minds to the sovereignty of God is one of these unforgettable moments. “It’s like being born again, again,” many Christians remark after their faith is renewed by an understanding of the doctrines of grace. Everything changes. It is not that they begin to trust God–all believers must…

FOR THE LOVE OF INDIA: The Story of Henry Martyn

Henry Martyn’s name must surely rank alongside those of David Brainerd and Robert Murray M’Cheyne. All three died very young, Martyn living the longest and dying aged just 31. All three had an undying passion to reach the lost with the Gospel, and all three exhibited unusual depths of holiness and devotion to God. However,…

The Naked God: The truth about God exposed

If the proof that you understand something complicated is that you can communicate it with simplicity, former lawyer Martin Ayers has a very good understanding of some of the most profound and important truths. In this, his first book, a mixture of apologetics and evangelism, he presents the case for the Gospel to the sceptical…

Pillars Of Grace

This is the second in the excellent series written by Dr Steven Lawson: A Long Line of Godly Men. In volume 1, Foundations of Grace, Lawson did a sweep through the pages of Scripture, showing how all the biblical authors delighted in the doctrines of grace and God’s sovereignty in salvation. This second of five…

Suffering & Evil

Anyone who takes on the challenge of a book on suffering and evil, bases it on Job, and does so in less than 60 pages deserves our admiration and respect. Scott Petty is just such a man and the result is highly commendable. Petty has a thoroughly engaging style and this little book, probably aimed…