The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 98)

Why we need to take Genesis 1-2 literally (4)

So far in this short series of posts we have looked at the TEXTUAL, HERMENEUTICAL and THEOLOGICAL reasons why we need to take the opening chapters of Genesis literally. Today we look at some HISTORICAL reasons. It may be the least important of the four arguments, but it is certainly not unimportant. While it may well be…

Why we need to take Genesis 1-2 literally (3)

So far in this short series of posts we have looked at the TEXTUAL and HERMENEUTICAL reasons why we need to take the opening chapters of Genesis literally. Now we need to, very briefly, look at the THEOLOGICAL reasons. This is a massive subject and worthy of a much more exhaustive treatment, but this is…

Why we need to take Genesis 1-2 literally (2)

In the first post in this series we considered the TEXTUAL reason by we need to take a literal view of the opening chapters of Genesis. Now we look at the hermeneutical reasons for doing so. 2. HERMENEUTICAL It is amazing how experienced and gifted Christian teachers and preachers inconsistently apply basic rules of interpretation…

Genesis Lifespans

It’s an interesting exercise to put the lifespans and the main characters in Genesis 1-11 side by side, based on the genealogical information we have in chapters 5 and 11 and elsewhere. Note that: One of the significant implications of this is that, with Babel being just 100 years after the flood, and with Noah…

Chronological Conundrums (2)

Order, Order! I have, in recent days, been chewing over two trinities of names that occur in the early pages of Genesis and with which we are very familiar because of the order in which they appear. We have “Shem, Ham and Japheth” (5:32; 6:10; 7:13; 9:18; 10:1; 1 Chronicles 1:4) and “Abram, Nahor and…