The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 94)

I dare you to pray this prayer – and mean it!

Disturb us, Lord, whenWe are too pleased with ourselves,When our dreams have come trueBecause we dreamed too little,When we arrived safelyBecause we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, whenwith the abundance of things we possessWe have lost our thirstFor the waters of life;Having fallen in love with life,We have ceased to dream…

The BTI And Its Sad Demise

When I recently discovered that a book tracing the history and influence of the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow had been published, I was delighted and quickly bought a copy for myself. I had the immense privilege of studying at the BTI between 1978 and 1981 and cannot tell you what a blessing it was.…