1555 HT: Dan Graves All John Hooper wanted to do was to pray. He went to bed at five the evening before, then rose early, on this day, February 9, 1555, so that he might pray in the early hours of the morning. When it was light, he asked that no one be allowed into his…
356 HT: Christianity.com The historic Christian faith was forged in turbulent times and under perilous conditions. The creeds and doctrines that shaped our Christian identity emerged from intense theological battles. There were times of physical violence in the process of defining the central teachings of the faith. For example, the question of exactly who Jesus was. Here…
Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week’s article is about Alexander MacKay, the missionary to Uganda. Despite dying of malaria at age 40, he left an enormous legacy there. His story is one of gritty determination, God’s grace, suffering and breakthrough. May his story inspire us all.” The missionary, overwhelmed with grief, labour and sleeplessness,…
1945 HT: Christian History Institute BUCHENWALD was among the first and largest of the German concentration camps. Although it was not officially an extermination camp, a large number of its inmates died from overwork and starvation, or by execution, torture, and cruel experiments. On this day 7 February 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was transferred from Tegel…
1564 HT: Christianity.com On this day, February 6, 1564, an era came to an end. The man who had done as much as any other to forge the theology of the Reformation, preached his last sermon. Unable to walk, John Calvin was carried to church in a chair. His mouth filled with blood as he spoke and…