The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 58)

It is now fashionable to ‘do God’ in Scottish politics!

Many years ago, Tony Blair’s right-hand man, Alistair Campbell, famously said, “We don’t do God”, although Blair somewhat changed his mind when he left No 10, converted to Roman Catholicism and said that faith is an important part of our public discourse. Well, it seems that not only God, but actually being a ‘Christian’, is…

This Day in HIS-story: May 14

1759 In Everton, England, Anglican evangelical John Berridge preaches outdoors for the first time. His message is one of salvation by grace alone: “Cease from thine own works.” 1901 HT: Dan Graves ON THIS DAY, 14 MAY 1901, the Presbyterian Church in the United States commissioned Althea Brown, an African American, as a missionary. She…

This Day in HIS-story: May 11

1685 HT: Dan Graves UNDER CHARLES I, Charles II, and James II, staunch Scottish Presbyterians suffered greatly. Many firmly believed no earthly king could be head of the church—as the Stuart kings claimed they were. That role was reserved for Jesus Christ alone. Many Scots (Covenanters) signed a covenant in 1638 denying that the Stuarts…

This Day in HIS-story: May 10

1886 HT: Dan Graves On this day Monday morning, May 10, 1886, at about five o’clock Anna Katherina Sartorius Barth delivered a son. It was a hard delivery, and the child was ugly. “Karli,” as his parents affectionately called him, was born at home–42 Grellingerstrasse in Basle, with just an aunt attending. Although both parents were born and raised in Basle, they…