It was on this day in 1517 that the German monk, Martin Luther famously nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral. Unintentionally, he set in train a whole series of events, a veritable spiritual earthquake, that was to completely reshape the world; and even today we are feeling some of the aftershocks…
After a break of a few weeks, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh is back with his weekly inspirational and informative articles on influential Scots in Church History and Missions. In mission work some people are gifted at founding a ministry; others at developing that ministry. Such was the case with Revd John Anderson who pioneered…
1863 HT: Dan Graves Swiss-born Henry Dunant needed water rights for a business venture in French-controlled Algeria. The person who could get him those rights was Napoleon III. The only problem was, Napoleon III was on the battlefield in Italy. Dunant did not let that deter him, but set out for Napoleon’s headquarters at Solferino…
1787 HT: Christianity History Institute William Wilberforce is remembered as a vocal opponent of the slave trade, who worked tirelessly in the British parliament to end the trade. He also championed many good causes and spearheaded reform movements in England and elsewhere. He was twenty-seven years old when he recognized the desperate need to become that…