I know I will be accused of being old fashioned or unwise or even naive for writing these things, but write them I must! I have written similar sentiments before and being roundly condemned, as well as, it has to be said, commended in some quarters. I am deeply troubled by a generation of preachers…
Towards the end of my ministry in Broxburn, one of our church members unwittingly paid me one of the highest compliments I can imagine. We were having our usual time of fellowship and food after the Sunday morning service, when we would discuss the sermon and folk had opportunities to ask me questions about what…
Today, I meet with four men who are either in, or preparing for, pastoral ministry, for a day of fellowship, study and mutual encouragement. Please pray for Colin, Ramone, William and Sebastian, as well as for myself, as we focus on pastoral theology and expository preaching.
1945 HT: Dan Graves In China, Eric Liddell asked his students if they believed Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. When they said they did, he would say “let’s add it on to the end of the Apostles Creed and when you finish saying the Apostles Creed say, ‘I believe in the Sermon on the Mount’.” This…
You may well have noticed that in recent days I have not kept up with my regular posts – things like the Isaiah Podcast and Ministry Matters, among others. I apologise for this and am strangely encouraged that they are missed! I have recently been swamped with more pressing commitments and these have had to…