1731 HT: Christianity.com God… …moves in a mysterious wayHis wonders to perform;He plants His footsteps in the seaAnd rides upon the storm. William Cowper, who wrote that hymn, was born in England on this day, November 26, l73l. His life was full of personal anguish. At five, his mother died, and Cowper, a timid and sensitive…
John Knox was the fiery reformer of Scotland. His last day of life on earth was on this day Monday, 24 November, 1572, dying peacefully near midnight. Three close friends sat by his bed. Knox entrusted the care of his wife to one of them. Later that day he asked another one to read the fifteenth chapter…
1873 HT: Christian History Institute During a revival in Newark, New Jersey, Etta Campbell wrote a hymn of warning and appeal for lost souls titled “Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By.” It became a favorite in Great Britain, thanks to Dwight L. Moody’s songleader Ira Sankey who sang it there. The evangelistic team began a series…