The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 22)

This Day in HIS-story: December 7

521 HT: Dan Graves TRADITION SAYS Columba was born in Gartan, Ireland, on this day, 7 December 521. He was of a noble family. Originally he was named Criomhthan, meaning “fox” but later people called him Columba, “dove,” or Columbkille/Colmcille, “dove of the churches,” because of the gentle character he developed and his part in founding many…

The Scottish-Korean Story

In the latest inspirational and informative article on influential Scots in Church History and Missions by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh, he writes, “Scottish Christians had a significant influence in the founding of the first Protestant Church in Korea. Dr John Ross, who is buried in Edinburgh, is regarded highly by the 12 million Christians…

This Day in HIS-story: December 4

1685 HT: Dan Graves When John Wycliffe sent his barefoot preachers throughout England in the 14th-century, carrying the Scripture in English, and calling for real heart changes, his message crossed the border into Scotland. There Murdoch Nisbet heard and believed. He acquired one of the rare English-language manuscripts of the Bible. Murdoch’s son, grandson and…