1666 HT: Dan Graves When Hugh McKail dragged himself up the scaffold for his hanging, on this day, December 22, 1666 he did so joyfully. The twenty-six-year-old Scotsman was eager to enter eternal life with God and he told the crowd so. “Now I leave off to speak any more with created beings and begin my communion…
1846 HT: Christian History Institute ONE DAY AROUND 1890, the inmates of a workhouse in Wakefield, England, crowded to windows in anticipation. Their bishop was coming to speak to them! Like people who line a street to view a parade, they were excited. They expected at the very least a magnificent coach with a team…
“God has done many mighty things in his eternity. Our minds could not conceive a fraction of them. But in the history of the Godhead no deed was more decisive and no accomplishment more stupendous than the act in which the Second Person of the Trinity became a one-celled embryo in the body of a young…
1903 HT: Dan Graves Fourteen year old Sundar Singh blamed the Christian God for the death of his mother. He threw filth on his Christian teachers, mocked their Scriptures, and interrupted classes. Then he made an ultimate gesture of scorn. He built a fire and page by page tore up a Bible and burned it.…
It is commonly agree today that there is a desperate shortage of godly and gifted men making themselves available for a ministry of preaching. And some who do are being trained and encouraged not to take on too many preaching commitments, perhaps preach just two or three times a month. Frankly, I despair and weep…