The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 18)

This Day in HIS-story: December 27

1868 HT: Christian History Institute IN A SPEECH that he published, Phillips Brooks said, “…In all best biographies, two values of a marked and well depicted life appear. It is of value, first, because it is exceptional, and also because it is representative. Every life is at once like and unlike every other. Every good story of…

This Day in HIS-story: December 26

1646 HT: Christian History Institute In seventeenth-century England, Parliament attempted to suppress Baptists for a number of reasons, among them a desire for greater religious unity. A law in 1645 forbade anyone from preaching unless they had been ordained in the Church of England or in some other reformed church. That law failed to have…

George Mackay of Taiwan

In his last inspirational and informative article on influential Scots in Church History and Missions for 2024, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh, writes, “It’s about an extraordinary Scottish missionary who pioneered at least 60 churches in Taiwan, a college which became a university and a theological training college, and a hospital, among other things. Wow!” Although…