The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 17)

This Day in HIS-story: January 1

1519 The Swiss Reformation begins when Huldrych Zwingli assumes his duties as priest of Zurich and begins preaching through the Bible. 1826 HT: Dan Graves David Nasmith‘s heart was broken. 19th-century Scotland was rich in Industry. But when the 27-year-old man looked around his native Glasgow, it was not industrial wealth he saw, but spiritual…

This Day in HIS-story: December 31

1782 HT: Christian History Institute David Zeisberger was a Moravian missionary to America who won many converts among Native Americans and who founded several towns, including Goshen, Ohio. He also kept a diary that has proven invaluable to later historians. The year 1782 was marred by war and by the cold-blooded massacre of over eighty…

The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards

“Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ’s sake.” These are the inspired words that begin the 70 Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards, a man who…

This Day in HIS-story: December 30

1384 HT: Dan Severance John Wycliffe: Reformation Morningstar John Wycliffe, heralded as the “Morning star of the Reformation” was the leading philosopher of the 14th century and an English priest.  There were many reformers throughout the history of the Christian church and all of the great ones that we will look at in the next…