The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 113)

The Mighty Weakness of John Knox

I have to confess to two failings. Firstly that, despite serving in a Bible College in Edinburgh I have never read a biography of John Knox, and secondly that I have been influenced, though never completely persuaded, by the ‘bad press’ Knox has had. Douglas Bond’s book is the latest in the excellent series A Long…

Mark Time – The Book (4 CD set)

When Rico Tice, author of the Christianity Explored programme which is based on Mark’s Gospel, says that from now on this is the first commentary he will reach for, you know it will be good.  Your view is reinforced when you realise that Gerard Chrispin is the author.  He is such a good and clear…

Why God Won’t Go Away

In Why God Won’t Go Away McGrath provides an accessible introduction to the New Atheists and exposes the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of their position. In his opening two chapters he introduces us to this latest manifestation of atheism and its main protagonists, namely Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens, – ‘The Four Horsemen’.…

With Calvin in the theatre of God

This is a gem of a book, approaching Calvin’s life, ministry and contribution to the church from an unusual angle. Edited by John Piper and David Mathis, it is a compilation of addresses given at the Desiring God 2009 National Conference. The book takes its title from Calvin’s own description of life as ‘this magnificent…

The Message of the Word of God

For Tim Meadowcroft, the Word of God, at least in the scope of this book, is not simply a synonym for the Scriptures.  The book is a much wider consideration of how God speaks, looking at the divine communication and self-revelation through general and special revelation, the written words of Scripture and Christ, the incarnate…