The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 111)

Making the Most of the Cross

Like all good evangelists John Chapman has a knack for making complex and profound truths sound simple and for exuding a real warmth as he communicates the message. Now aged 80, and having “lost a couple of specialists” along the way, Chapman is still going strong and still burdened to explain the centrality of the…

The Generals: Pershing – Commander of the Great War

To misquote a Scripture, Churchill I know and Eisenhower I recognise, but who is General John J Pershing? According to his biographer, Pershings’ accomplishments rank him up there alongside great national and military leaders whose influence on our history is almost incalculable. I am not especially familiar with the historical context of this man’s life…

Puritan Portraits

If you want an introduction or a guide to the Puritans – their theology, lives and relevance – you would be hard pressed to find a better qualified or more able guide than Jim Packer and he demonstrates that yet again in this collection. However, take note that this is not a completely new or…