The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 110)

Living for God’s Glory

The publishers describe this volume as “An introduction to Calvinism” and it certainly is that; but it is so much more. Where else would you find in one book an historical, theological and practical overview of the tenets of the reformed faith including how it viewed atitudes as an employee or how to enjoy sexual…

The Last Word

Wallace Benn has given us a warm commentary on John 13-17, Jesus’ teaching to his disciples in the Upper Room on the night of his betrayal. Benn takes us through the teaching of Christ, section by section, dwelling on one or two aspects – such as the work of the Holy Spirit – to broaden…

Suffering Well

Over the years I have read a number of books on suffering but this one is refreshingly different and comes at this important subject from some very helpful and biblical angles which are all too often neglected or ignored in some other books that address this subject. Paul Grimmond looks at different types of suffering…

One-to-One Bible Reading

This little book is simple, straightforward, practical and very refreshing. David Helm wants to put the reading of the Bible right at the heart of personal evangelism and it’s refreshing to see a tool for evangelism that is so clearly and unashamedly Bible based. Here’s part of a little personal incident that Helm recounts concerning…

How to Evaluate Sermons

Dr Joel Beeke contributed a series of articles to The Puritan Reformed Journal which, I am delighted to say, have now been brought together in a short book, published by Evangelical Press, entitled How to Evaluate Sermons. Note, though, it’s aimed at preachers evaluating their own sermons – not how to evaluate other people’s sermons!…