1563 HT: Dan Graves Some things must be memorized to be really useful. If your work required you to multiply numbers such as 6×7 or 8×9, you would save a lot of time by memorizing the multiplication table. The same is true of Bible truths. A good catechism sets out the core truths that Christians…
Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh, writes, “As I continue with the miniseries on Scottish missionaries in Africa, we arrive at Lovedale in South Africa. This was a mission base founded by Scottish missionaries, which became a significant model for the whole of Africa because it was based on Christ and a Christian worldview, which had…
1604 HT: Christianity.com Have you ever attended a frustrating meeting where nothing much seems to get done? The Hampton Court conference, held in 1604, was like that. When James VI of Scotland rode south to London on the way to the coronation that would make him James I of England, Puritans presented him with a…