The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 68)

World Religions and Cults

Around 85% of the world’s population is religious. With a multitude of religious belief and practice, what makes Christianity unique? In this module we will examine some of the major religions and cults in our society today. After a brief introduction to each group, we will take a look at their core beliefs, comparing and…

New Testament Overview

Over 10 Monday evenings between Easter and Summer we’ll work our way from Matthew to Revelation – book by book – becoming familiar with the structure and theme of each book, and seeing how it contributes to the storyline of the Bible as a whole.  The class will be held on Monday evenings, between 7…

The Bible

How do we know if the Bible is true? Where did it come from? When and how was it written? How did it come to be in its present form? How do we know that the content has been reliably transmitted to us? What about all the translations and versions? All these questions and more…

This Day in HIS-story: March 4

HT: Christian History Institute On this day, 4 March 1963, two missionary couples drove out of Saigon, South Vietnam, crowded into a Land-Rover with their five children. The Makils and Jacobsens were headed north along Route 20, toward the Makil home near Dalat.  The Makils were recent arrivals in Vietnam where they planned to engage in…