The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 57)

This Day in HIS-story: May 16

1569 HT: Dan Graves How many Anabaptists died during the sixteenth century persecution in Europe? No one knows for sure. What is certain is that at least 1,500 were cruelly tortured and killed. For the most part these were peaceful citizens who did not believe in war and who became the forerunners of today’s Mennonites…

Is The Tide Turning?

In recent weeks there are have been a few encouraging sings that the perverted and ideological obsession with gender identity and inappropriate sex education is beginning to be seen for what it is and there is the start of something of a push-back. Last week, the BBC – not always the most reliable or unbiased…

It is now fashionable to ‘do God’ in Scottish politics!

Many years ago, Tony Blair’s right-hand man, Alistair Campbell, famously said, “We don’t do God”, although Blair somewhat changed his mind when he left No 10, converted to Roman Catholicism and said that faith is an important part of our public discourse. Well, it seems that not only God, but actually being a ‘Christian’, is…

This Day in HIS-story: May 14

1759 In Everton, England, Anglican evangelical John Berridge preaches outdoors for the first time. His message is one of salvation by grace alone: “Cease from thine own works.” 1901 HT: Dan Graves ON THIS DAY, 14 MAY 1901, the Presbyterian Church in the United States commissioned Althea Brown, an African American, as a missionary. She…