The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 41)

This Day in HIS-story: July 31

1820 HT: Christian History Institute The Moravians were among the earliest Protestants to engage in foreign mission work. Their outreach included efforts among the Eskimos of Newfoundland and Labrador. In an outpost at Nain, they saw many conversions with great improvement of character.  The mission at Hebron, Labrador, around 1860. Original drawing by Moravian Bishop Levin Theodor…

This Day in HIS-story: July 29

Herman Bavinck was a leading theologian and educator during the nineteenth century Dutch Calvinist revival. He worked closely with famed politician and theologian Abraham Kuyper for many years. In 1920, Bavinck suffered a heart attack, followed by a second in 1921, dying on this day 29 July, 1921. As he lay dying he was asked if…

This Day in HIS-story: July 27

1620 HT: Christian History Institute Many of the Pilgrims who ventured on the Mayflower had lived for several years as refugees in the Netherlands. They embarked on the Speedwell at Delftshaven in July 1620, leaving the majority of their company behind with pastor John Robinson. John Robinson memorial plaque in Leyden The plan was for the first group to…