The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 35)

The First Palm Sunday

I thought I would repost this series of powerpoint videos from 2020 taking us through Holy Week, day by day. The sound quality isn’t as good as it could be now, for which apologies.

Don’t Give Up on Physical Bibles

I can’t tell you how much I agree with this post, and not because I am some sort of Luddite! my own Bible HT: Chris Polski Last year, when my son went to college, I gave him one of my most precious earthly belongings—the Bible I used from the time I was in high school…

The Bible Teaches A Literal Six Day Creation

“Hebrew scholars note that the Hebrew word for “day” (yom) universally means a twenty-four hour solar day when preceded by ordinal numbers, as it is in this chapter. Furthermore, it is hard to believe Moses’ original audience would have understood the period of creation as occupying a time span longer than a normal week. Finally,…