The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 35)

This Day in HIS-story: October 2

1770 The funeral of George Whitefield is held at the Old South First Presbyterian Church in Newburyport. Thousands of people are unable to get even to the door of the church. 1792 HT: The gathering of young men who met in Mrs. Beeby Wallis’ parlor on this day, October 2, 1792 was not a likely group…

Update on the Kongis

Thank you to those who generously responded to our post about the Kongi family in Kampala. We have sent them some money and will send some more in the coming days. John just sent this short video clip and you can hear in his voice the deep trauma of all that has happened to them.

This Day in HIS-story: September 30

  1770 HT: Stagger and Reel On this day, September 30, 1770, the world lost one of the greatest evangelists and preachers of the Gospel, George Whitefield. His fervent proclamation of the Good News shook two continents, crossing the Atlantic 13 times and delivering over 18,000 sermons. Whitefield once said, “I had rather wear out…

A Calamity for the Kongis

Our prayer supporters will be very familiar with our good friends, John and Veronica Kongi and their family who live in Kampala, Uganda.   John is an extraordinary and godly spiritual leader and we have worked closely over many years. At 1.00am this morning, disaster struck their home in Kampala as local floods broke through their…

This Day in HIS-story: September 29

1904 HT: Dan Graves EVAN ROBERT’S PUBLIC MINISTRY lasted only about a year. But what a fruitful year it was!   Roberts was many years in preparation for his work. Born in Wales in 1878, he proved a good student and avid reader. However, when his father was injured in an accident and in need of…