The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 33)

This Day in HIS-story: October 9

1747 HT: Stagger and Reel On October 9, 1747, the world lost one of its most fervent and self-sacrificing missionaries, David Brainerd, whose short yet impactful life continues to inspire generations of believers and missionaries. Born in Haddam, Connecticut, on April 20, 1718, Brainerd’s life was marked by deep spiritual struggle, severe physical afflictions, and…

This Day in HIS-story: October 8

451 HT: When Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” he received a multitude of answers. Some said he was John the Baptist, some said he was Elijah or Jeremiah or another one of the prophets. The disciple Peter came up with the correct answer when he said, “You are…