The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 30)

This Day in HIS-story: November 3

1723 HT: Diana Severance, Dan Graves The masterful sermons of what American preacher profoundly influenced Patrick Henry to become a great orator and patriot? What American minister succeeded Jonathan Edwards as President of Princeton University? The answer to both questions is Samuel Davies. Samuel was born on this day, November 3, l723. Evidently, his Baptist mother…

This Day in HIS-story: November 2

  1533 HT: Diana Severance When the apostle Paul escaped Damascus by being lowered over the wall in a basket it was not the last time a Christian evangelist would dramatically flee from persecution. On this day, November 2, in 1533, John Calvin made a similar thrilling escape from Paris. A devout Catholic, Calvin studied law at the…

Reformation Day

It was on this day in 1517 that the German monk, Martin Luther famously nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral.  Unintentionally, he set in train a whole series of events, a veritable spiritual earthquake, that was to completely reshape the world; and even today we are feeling some of the aftershocks…

This Day in HIS-story: October 29

1863 HT: Dan Graves Swiss-born Henry Dunant needed water rights for a business venture in French-controlled Algeria. The person who could get him those rights was Napoleon III. The only problem was, Napoleon III was on the battlefield in Italy. Dunant did not let that deter him, but set out for Napoleon’s headquarters at Solferino…