The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 12)

Postcard From Poland: Day 4

The third of our three day training conference focussed on preaching itself. Having laid the foundations of Doctrine of Scripture and Hermeneutics now we looked at the biblical basis and some biblical examples of expository preaching and then I introduced the men to the process I teach for the preparation and preaching of sermons. We…

This Day in HIS-story: July 1

1555 HT: Dan Graves The sheriff feared a riot if he moved John Bradford while most people were still out in the streets. And so he had his soldiers transfer the condemned man to Newgate Prison around midnight. Despite the government’s attempt at secrecy and the late hour, thousands of the good man’s supporters lined…

This Day in HIS-story: June 30

1637 HT: Dan Graves ON THIS DAY, 30 JUNE 1637, William Prynne was pilloried with Henry Burton and John Bastwick. The authorities cropped the stubs of Prynne’s ears, cropped three years earlier for a libel, and he was branded with the letters “S.L.,” standing for “Seditious Libeler.” On his way back to prison, he wrote…

Oswald Chambers: “My Utmost for His Highest”

Here’s this week’s inspirational delve into the past by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh Image: Oswald Chambers (1874-1917), contemporary photograph, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons In faraway Cairo, a much-loved chaplain to the armed forces was laid to rest in 1917 with full military honours. Here soldiers, civilians and local people alike mourned the passing…