The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 10)

Ministry Matters

The Big C in Pastoral Ministry: Character

This is the second in my new series on issues related to pastoral theology which I introduced last week. There has been, in my experience, an unfortunate and undesirable shift in much of the Western church in my lifetime; a shift from emphasising character to focussing on competency.  I think of the leadership group in…

Dr David Livingstone, Missionary Adventurer

Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week’s article is about Dr David Livingstone, the famous Scottish missionary. Although very few Africans were converted to Christ through him, his success lay in preparing the way for others to come and plant churches. Even until today he is spoken of with great affection by many Africans.” David…

How to Behave in Church

Here’s the first sermon in my new series on 1 Timothy. Note: This sermon, even as I preached it, became very personal in its application to the church where I have been preaching very regularly over the past 18 months.