The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Posts by jdbrand (Page 86)

The ‘Star’ of Bethlehem

The star that is connected with the birth of Christ, as recorded in Matthew 2, features in just 12 verses of the gospel and yet has given to rise to acres of theories and speculations.  So, before we look at what this star could have been, let’s examine the biblical text. First, Matthew tells us…

How did the Magi travel?

Christmas pageants which are so popular at this time of year, even in churches,  usually involve three fabulously dressed kings on camels, travelling at night as they follow a star across the desert.  Yet there is so much in this familiar scene that is, at best, unlikely.  First, as we have already noted, these men…

Where did the Magi come from and how did they know to come?

In answer to the question where did the Magi come from, there is very little to help us in the text of Scripture itself. All Matthew says, important as it is, is “wise men from the east came“. (Matthew 2:1) At the time of Christ’s birth, the term east meant Media, Persia, Assyria and Babylonia;…