The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Posts by jdbrand (Page 56)

This Day in HIS-story: May 21

1874 HT: “What work are you in?” The man asking the question had just introduced himself to Ira B. Sankey as Dwight L. Moody. Sankey replied that he worked for the Internal Revenue Service. “Well, you’ll just have to give it up,” said Moody. Sankey was in Chicago to attend a convention. He had…

This Day in HIS-story: May 18

1808 HT: Dan Graves Personal tragedy sometimes forces us to take a closer look at our lives. At least that’s how it was for Jacob Albright. RIDING ALONG a Pennsylvania turnpike, Jacob Albright encountered a group of road workers. They recognized him as a traveling evangelist, called him filthy names, and hurled stones at him.…