The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Posts by jdbrand (Page 32)

This Day in HIS-story: October 23

1803 HT: Natalie Tunbridge Henry Martyn, later to become a remarkable missionary, is ordained and given charge of a church at Lolworth, Cambridgeshire, England. The missionary life of Henry Martyn is one of single-minded perseverance to obey the call of God, laborious allegiance to the Word of God, and most importantly, a passionate love for…

I’m Writing Scripture

Recently, prompted by something I read in a blog, I have started writing Scripture and found it to be immensely helpful and spiritually profitable. I am a fast reader, and one of my problems when reading the Bible, especially for my own benefit and devotions, is that I tend to read quickly and I need…

Preaching on Esther

Last evening I had the joy and privilege of preaching on Esther 2, a sermon I called ‘What Does The Sovereignty Of God Look Like?’. This was the third in a series. I probably don’t do enough preaching on Old Testament narrative and am being blessed myself as I work through this remarkable book where…

This Day in HIS-story: October 19

  1856 HT: London was all astir with talk of the young preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He lacked the flowery, elaborate sentences of most preachers, but his simple directness spoke to the hearts of his audience. His passion for truth was as strong as the olderĀ PuritansĀ he loved and studied, yet there was nothing stale…