The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Posts by jdbrand (Page 16)

This Day in HIS-story: June 14

1871 HT: Dan Graves GEORGE LESLIE MACKAY gave his heart to Christ when he was ten. In his college years he enthusiastically embraced the idea of becoming a missionary and asked the Presbyterian Church of Canada to send him to a foreign land. They had no missionary program at the time and considered him too…

This Day in HIS-story: June 12

1744  HT: Dan Graves DAVID BRAINERD lived only twenty-nine years, but his faith was responsible for two major events. He helped trigger the formation of Princeton University (as the College of New Jersey) and converted many Seneca and Delaware Indians to Christianity. His journal and diary also had a powerful influence after his death. Born…

This Day in HIS-story: June 11

1632 John Owen graduates BA from Oxford University. He becomes one of the leading non-conformist preachers of his day and the author of many theological works. A Calvinist, he will strongly oppose Arminian views. 1923 Mildred Cable and the Chinese Trio leave Hwo Chow to set out for Central Asia, uncertain what and where the…