The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Posts by jdbrand (Page 118)

Theology of Luke & Acts A HB (Biblical Theology of the New Testament Series): God’s Promised Program, Realized for All Nations

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and that’s true, but first impressions are important and first sight of this volume is very pleasing. It’s a large format hardback, very attractively bound and nice to handle. I was fortunate to receive a complimentary copy from the publishers as part of a blog…


One think you can’t accuse Scott Petty of is cowardice. In this series from Matthias Media he has taken on some brave attempts to tackle difficult and complex issues in a readable and engaging way, with teens and young people in mind. This time he has turned his attention to the biblical doctrine of predestination.…

The Poetic Wonder Of Isaac Watts

I suspect that if we were to ask the ‘average’ Christian -whoever that may be – what they knew about Isaac Watts, the answer would be limited to his name, the fact that he was a hymn writer and, perhaps, one or two of his best known hymns. I, for one, wouldn’t have fared much…