The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Posts by jdbrand (Page 112)

The Naked God: The truth about God exposed

If the proof that you understand something complicated is that you can communicate it with simplicity, former lawyer Martin Ayers has a very good understanding of some of the most profound and important truths. In this, his first book, a mixture of apologetics and evangelism, he presents the case for the Gospel to the sceptical…

Pillars Of Grace

This is the second in the excellent series written by Dr Steven Lawson: A Long Line of Godly Men. In volume 1, Foundations of Grace, Lawson did a sweep through the pages of Scripture, showing how all the biblical authors delighted in the doctrines of grace and God’s sovereignty in salvation. This second of five…

Suffering & Evil

Anyone who takes on the challenge of a book on suffering and evil, bases it on Job, and does so in less than 60 pages deserves our admiration and respect. Scott Petty is just such a man and the result is highly commendable. Petty has a thoroughly engaging style and this little book, probably aimed…

Prayer of the Lord

If you’re looking for a detailed exegetical commentary on The Lord’s Prayer, then you won’t find it here. On the other hand if you want a personal guide to take you through each of the components of the prayer, highlighting what to look out for as you go and explaining things that may be familiar…

In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life

This book contains 50 very good reasons to buy and read it. That’s the number of short chapters in this collection of studies which first saw the light of day as articles in the Eternity and Tabletalk magazines. No chapter is more than four pages long, and they are grouped together in six sections, each…