The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand
 AD 47Set apart by the church in Antioch for missionary workActs 13:1-3
 AD 47 – 49First missionary journeyActs 13:4–14:28
g. Antioch – Seleucia – Salamis (Cyprus)Acts 13:4-12
h. Paphos (Cyprus) – Perga in PamphyliaActs 13:13
i. Perga – Antioch (Pisidia)Acts 13:14-52
j. IconiumActs 14:1-6
k. LystraActs 14:7-20
k. DerbeActs 14:21
l. Return to Antioch (Pisidia) via Lystra and IconiumActs 14:21-23
l. Pamphylia – Perga – Attalia – Antioch in SyriaActs 14:24-28

g.    They sail from Seleucia, a port about 15 miles from Antioch, to Cyprus, landing at Salamis, the most important city on the island and the capital of Cyprus as far back as 1100 BC.  We also discover that they have taken John (Mark) along “to assist them”. From Salamis they travel through the island to Paphos.

h.    Paul and Barnabas sail from Paphos, probably to Attalia (present day Antalya) in Asia Minor (present day Turkey), and then overland the 12 miles to Perga in Pamphylia. At this point John leaves them but Luke doesn’t mention here the issues that gave rise to his departure (cp 15:38), and there was clearly some level of falling out and disagreement within the group.

i. Paul and Barnabas travel on to Antioch in Pisidia, one of sixteen cities bearing that name, all named after Antiochus. Pisidia was one of the three regions of the Roman province of Galatia.  Here Paul preaches his first recorded sermon, this time to a very Jewish audience.

j. Iconium, present day Konya, was situated 90 miles east of Antioch, and was an ancient Greek commercial city.

k. Lystra and Derbe were smaller locations in Lycaonia, one of the other provinces of Galatia.  At Lystra, the crowd are persuaded by some Jews from Antioch and Iconium to turn against the missionaries and Paul is stoned, dragged out of the city, and left for dead. As a result of the prayers of the other believers who gather around him, Paul is    restored to health; so much so that the following day he and Barnabas are able to travel the 60 miles to Derbe. 

It is very likely that Timothy was converted at this time, or as a result of this visit by Paul; cp Acts 16:1; 2 Timothy 3:11.  One tradition maintains that it was to Timothy’s home that the nearly dead Paul was taken to recover after being stoned.

l. Crossing the Taurus mountains, Paul and Barnabas passed through Pisidia and Pamphylia, stopping to preach in Perga, before sailing from Attalia back to their sending church at Antioch.  Here they reported back to the church, emphasising that all that had been achieved had been the work of God through them.  Having been travelling for some two years, they stayed for a period of time in Antioch that we know would have been around a full year; Luke’s use of litotes – “no little time” – stresses this.

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