The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand


Postcard from Poland: Day 1

It’s exciting! After many months of planning, praying and dreaming – not to mention countless webchats, emails etc etc – this strategic vision of training for Polish preachers is about to come to fruition. I arrived in Warsaw this afternoon and, for once, the Ryanair flight actually left Edinburgh on time and arrived a few…

This Day in HIS-story: June 14

1871 HT: Dan Graves GEORGE LESLIE MACKAY gave his heart to Christ when he was ten. In his college years he enthusiastically embraced the idea of becoming a missionary and asked the Presbyterian Church of Canada to send him to a foreign land. They had no missionary program at the time and considered him too…

This Day in HIS-story: June 12

1744  HT: Dan Graves DAVID BRAINERD lived only twenty-nine years, but his faith was responsible for two major events. He helped trigger the formation of Princeton University (as the College of New Jersey) and converted many Seneca and Delaware Indians to Christianity. His journal and diary also had a powerful influence after his death. Born…

The Benefits of Physical Books Over Digital

It’s always good to know that your hunch and strong personal preference is backed up by good evidence! HT: The Case for Paper: Books vs. E-Readers “Research suggests that comprehension is six to eight times better with physical books than e-readers (Altamura, L., Vargas, C., & Salmerón, L., 2023). Though many people find they can…

Some Good News From Sudan

Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with my commitment to the Church in both Sudan and South Sudan. Both these nations have been ravaged by conflict and suffering for many years and the news, at least that portrayed by the secular media, is almost unrelentingly bad. There is no doubt that the suffering…

Pray for Sudan

Many readers of this blog will be aware of my long links with both Sudan and South Sudan. I spent several years travelling in and out of both Khartoum and Juba, before and after the South seceded, and still maintain links with believers in both countries, mainly through my dear friend Bishop John Kongi, who…