It is commonly agree today that there is a desperate shortage of godly and gifted men making themselves available for a ministry of preaching. And some who do are being trained and encouraged not to take on too many preaching commitments, perhaps preach just two or three times a month.
Frankly, I despair and weep at this.
I love and agree with this passionate cry from Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers:
And note that Spurgeon practiced what he preached:
“In addition to preaching four times a week, he led his elders and deacons in caring for a church of five thousand. Together, they visited members, interviewed membership applicants, led prayer meetings, chaired congregational meetings, pursued non-attenders, and much more. Additionally, Spurgeon published a weekly sermon, wrote numerous books, edited a monthly magazine, served as president of The Pastors’ College, oversaw two orphanages, corresponded with hundreds weekly, planted churches, supported denominational efforts, and the list goes on.” (The Spurgeon Library)
O that God would pout backbone in, and a burden on, the hearts of a whole new generation of fearless, faithful preachers who would proclaim the gospel of salvation through faith in Christ alone and be used of God to waken his church from the deep slumber into which she has fallen!