HT: Christian History Institute
David Zeisberger was a Moravian missionary to America who won many converts among Native Americans and who founded several towns, including Goshen, Ohio. He also kept a diary that has proven invaluable to later historians.

The year 1782 was marred by war and by the cold-blooded massacre of over eighty Native American Christians of the Delaware tribe by a white militia. The group of Moravians had often been separated in the previous months. On this day, 31 December 1782, they reviewed the year together with tears. After their meeting David wrote:
“We closed the year with praise and thanks to the Lord for all his goodness and for the kindnesses the Savior had done us in rescuing us from so many dangers and in being so heartily interested for us, but we confessed to him our transgressions and shortcomings and begged forgiveness of all our sins.”