I haven’t yet had a chance to listen to this podcast from Ligonier but, since it’s by Sinclair Ferguson, I know that I can unequivocally recommend it to you. Today’s is the first in a series heading up to Christmas.

Sometimes it can seem that the true message of Christmas gets eclipsed by all our holiday busyness. But fixing our attention on Jesus isn’t something we should do only for a season. He must be central in our thoughts all throughout the year. Today on Things Unseen, Sinclair Ferguson considers the need to refocus our affections on Christ. Do you follow our daily devotional podcast? With new episodes every Monday through Friday, Dr. Ferguson follows a unique theme each week to help guide your walk with the Lord. This week’s devotions focus on the challenge of keeping Jesus central in our minds and the blessing of doing so at Christmas. |
A Glimpse into This Week’s Episodes:Today: Recovering Christ at Christmastime Tuesday: Renewed Affection for ChristWednesday: A Friend Who Sticks CloserThursday: The Savior’s Lowly BirthFriday: Should We Celebrate Christmas? |