The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

'Florence Young' Tagged Posts

This Day in HIS-story: September 19

1853 HT: Dan Graves ON THIS DAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 1853, the Dumfries, a small sailing ship, left Liverpool. Aboard was one passenger—James Hudson Taylor, bound for China. His mother came to see him off, knowing it would be years before she would see him again—if ever.  Never shall I forget the cry of anguish wrung from…

This Day in HIS-story: May 28

1663 HT: Dan Graves When Jospeh Alleine‘s older brother Edward died, Joseph underwent a spiritual crisis, what he would call a “thorough conversion.” Edward had been studying for the ministry and Joseph pleaded with his father to be allowed to take his place. His father agreed and Joseph headed off to school. The young man…