The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

'David Nasmith' Tagged Posts

This Day in HIS-story: January 1

1519 The Swiss Reformation begins when Huldrych Zwingli assumes his duties as priest of Zurich and begins preaching through the Bible. 1826 HT: Dan Graves David Nasmith‘s heart was broken. 19th-century Scotland was rich in Industry. But when the 27-year-old man looked around his native Glasgow, it was not industrial wealth he saw, but spiritual…

This Day in HIS-story: September 21

1816 HT: Christian History Institute David Nasmith is famous as the founder of the first Protestant city missions. Here is the first extant letter in which he indicated his desire to be of use for God’s kingdom. It was written on this day 21 September 1816 when he was seventeen years old. “May He who has the hearts…