Here are two more short excerpts from my current reading – Selina. Countess of Huntingdon by Faith Cook. (See this post). These two are, interestingly, on a related topic.

“An anecdote is told of the Countess’s attempts to influence those who worked for her. On one occasion, she spoke with a man repairing a wall. She urged him to think about his soul and about the account he must one day give for his life before the judgement throne. Her words seemed unheeded. Many years later, however, on meeting another of her workmen in the garden she spoke to him also. ‘Thomas, I fear you never pray nor look to Christ for salvation’, she began. ‘Your ladyship is mistaken,’ came the reply, ‘I heard what passed between you and James when he was mending the wall some years ago, and the word designed for him took effect on me.’ ‘How did you hear it?’ enquired the Countess. ‘I heard it,’ responded Thomas ‘on the other side of the garden through a hole in the wall, and shall never forget the impression I then received.’ “ (pp52-53)
“Hearing of a soldier’s wife who had just given birth to twins and was not expected to live, Selina responded quickly, helping the young woman as much as she was able. And she also addressed a greater need – the need of her soul. The dying mother wept as she began to understand her sinful state before God and she begged the Countess to return and teach her from the Scriptures before it was too late. Next door to the soldier’s wife’s lodgings was the public bakehouse and as few homes could boast the luxury of an oven, the local people would bring their dough ready kneaded to bake in the communal oven. A crack in the wall between the bakehouse and the apartments of the soldier’s wife meant that those awaiting their turn to bake their bread could hear snatches of the conversation that was going on next door. Listening through the crack, others benefitted from the teaching Selina was giving. Gradually word was passed around the neighbourhood of the tall stranger from London, reputed to be a peeress, who was telling of a way of forgiveness for sin. Other women then asked for admittance to this bedside Bible class.” (p176)
As the Scriptures say, “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1)