In recent weeks there are have been a few encouraging sings that the perverted and ideological obsession with gender identity and inappropriate sex education is beginning to be seen for what it is and there is the start of something of a push-back.
Last week, the BBC – not always the most reliable or unbiased source, it has to be said – reported that new restaurants, public toilets, shopping centres and offices in England will be required to have separate male and female toilets under proposed legislation.
Today, we learn that schools in England will be banned from teaching sex education to children under nine, and there will be a ban on children being taught about gender identity.
It will be interesting to see what happens in Scotland and I am a little more hopeful than of late, given the removal of the Greens from the Scottish Government.
Last month, The Cass Review said that children have been let down by a lack of research and “remarkably weak” evidence on medical interventions in gender care and that the “toxicity” of the debate around gender meant professionals were “afraid” to openly discuss their views. You know that this review is a move in the right direction when the Scottish Greens immediately rubbish it, as they did.
After years of a tsunami of vile and immoral abuse of our children, maybe, just maybe, the prayers of so many are being answered and the tide is turning. Let’s hope so, but let’s not stop praying either.
Righteousness exalts a nation,
Proverbs 13:34
but sin is a reproach to any people.