Over the years I have benefitted hugely from the Expositor magazine, produced by Steven Lawson’s One Passion ministry. On my computer, I have stored all back issues in pdf format and they are a treasure trove of preaching related truth.

Last week I acquired the latest edition and was about to list a number of reasons why I would commend the magazine to you when they themselves issued a list, so here are the 8 reasons they give, all of which I would heartily concur with:
- Receive feature articles by fellow expositors, John MacArthur, Steven J. Lawson, R. C. Sproul, Albert Mohler, Sinclair Ferguson, John Piper, Joel Beeke, and many other pastors, teachers, and church leaders.
- Experience in-depth training and instruction in specific areas of expositional ministry.
- Up-to-date coverage on the central and contemporary issues facing biblical expositors today.
- Be encouraged by men who have established ministries founded on the Word of God.
- Receive information from OnePassion Ministries, The Institute for Expository Preaching, and other affiliate ministries seeking to train Christians and biblical preachers and teachers.
- Help train the next generation of biblical expositors.
- Use Expositor to instruct, teach, and train fellow church leaders.
- Join the movement to reestablish the priority and primacy of true biblical preaching in the pulpits of the world.
You can subscribe for the digital version for just £10 a year (four issues). The production is of a very high standard and the content is superb. Visit: Expositor Magazine – OnePassion Ministries
(Disclaimer: I gain no benefit, financial or otherwise, from this recommendation; simply the satisfaction of pointing you in the direction of good reading material.)