Last night, at the church in Ayrshire where I preach regularly, I began a series on the life of Abraham, but decided to begin by making sure we really understand what true faith is, so started in Hebrews 1:1
Last night, at the church in Ayrshire where I preach regularly, I began a series on the life of Abraham, but decided to begin by making sure we really understand what true faith is, so started in Hebrews 1:1
Here’s my sermon from yesterday morning: 1 Timothy 2:1-7
1536 HT: Dan Graves What was the surest way to make yourself unpopular in 1530? Join the Anabaptists. Protestant and Catholic alike reviled these usually peaceable, Bible-loving souls and massacred large numbers of them. One group of Anabaptists (the name, given by their enemies, means “re-baptizers”) came into being Jan 21, 1525 in Zurich when…
I know I will be accused of being old fashioned or unwise or even naive for writing these things, but write them I must! I have written similar sentiments before and being roundly condemned, as well as, it has to be said, commended in some quarters. I am deeply troubled by a generation of preachers…
1605 HT: Dan Graves IN 1548, Theodore Beza became seriously ill. Not yet thirty years old, he stared death in the face. Looking upon his recent conduct, he was ashamed. First was the matter of his faith. At heart he was Protestant but, because he got his income from two benefices of the Catholic…
451 HT: When Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” he received a multitude of answers. Some said he was John the Baptist, some said he was Elijah or Jeremiah or another one of the prophets. The disciple Peter came up with the correct answer when he said, “You are…
It’s exciting! After many months of planning, praying and dreaming – not to mention countless webchats, emails etc etc – this strategic vision of training for Polish preachers is about to come to fruition. I arrived in Warsaw this afternoon and, for once, the Ryanair flight actually left Edinburgh on time and arrived a few…
1871 HT: Dan Graves GEORGE LESLIE MACKAY gave his heart to Christ when he was ten. In his college years he enthusiastically embraced the idea of becoming a missionary and asked the Presbyterian Church of Canada to send him to a foreign land. They had no missionary program at the time and considered him too…
1744 HT: Dan Graves DAVID BRAINERD lived only twenty-nine years, but his faith was responsible for two major events. He helped trigger the formation of Princeton University (as the College of New Jersey) and converted many Seneca and Delaware Indians to Christianity. His journal and diary also had a powerful influence after his death. Born…