The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Thought For The Day

Enjoying the Word!

As a follow-up to my two posts about reading through the Bible in a year and doing a more in-depth study of a Bible book, I was planning on doing something on ‘how to study the Bible for yourself’ when I learned that Peter Mead has just begun a series of blogs on that precise…

January 2nd

In yesterday’s post I made the first of two suggestions as to how get more familiar with the whole of Scripture, namely adopting a reading plan that will help take you through the whole Bible in a year, so that there are no NO GO or NOT GONE parts of Scripture. My second suggestion has…

January 1st

It still surprises me, and indeed saddens me, when I come across Christians, sometimes of longstanding, who have never read through their whole Bibles. That simply ought not to happen!. I am a great advocate of the principle that when it comes to the Bible there should be no NO GO and no Not GONE…