The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

This Day in His-story (Page 7)

This Day in HIS-story: November 20

1839 HT:Dan Graves John Williams encountered hostility when he landed on Erromanga, New Hebrides (Vanuatu) on this day, November 20, 1839. He tried to dash back to his ship, but he wasn’t quick enough. Swift-footed natives captured him. The missionary who had hoped to feast them with the Gospel became their feast instead. When the inhabitants of scattered…

This Day in HIS-story: November 19

1738 HT: Christian History Institute James Gardiner was a valiant Scots soldier. After a wild youth, he converted to Christianity in 1719 (he was thirty-one at the time) and showed many evidences of earnest faith. Philip Doddridge, a Puritan pastor, educator, and author, was so impressed he wrote a life of Gardiner. Seven years after…

This Day in HIS-story: November 12

1660 John Bunyan is arrested for unlicensed preaching and sentenced to prison. During his various incarcerations, he will pen Pilgrim’s Progess and Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, the greatest Puritan spiritual autobiography. 1704 Forty-two year old Matthew Henry writes in his journal that he means to prepare a commentary on the entire Scripture. A…

This Day in HIS-story: November 10

1871 HT: For years, no one had heard from the Scottish missionary explorer, David Livingstone. In l866, he had disappeared into the East African interior, searching for the source of the River Nile. Livingstone’s reports of his earlier explorations in Africa had fascinated multitudes of readers at home. Once asked why he decided to…

This Day in HIS-story: November 5

1605 HT: Diana Severance Have you ever heard anyone say, “He’s just an ordinary guy?” Curiously, the word guy has its roots in a l7th century plot to blow up the British Parliament. Religion and politics were inseparable in early England. When Pope Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth in l570, English Catholics did not like obeying…