The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

This Day in His-story (Page 4)

This Day in HIS-story: January 12

1588 HT: Dan Graves Can you imagine the outcry if the Boston Globe were to announce that the Governor of Massachusetts had preached one Sunday from the Bible, using as his text, Christ’s “Sermon on the Mount?” Does the very idea sound ridiculous and impossible? Well, such an event did take place in 1630. Governor John Winthrop…

This Day in HIS-story: January 11

1817 HT: Dan Graves Once when young Timothy Dwight did not show up for dinner, his parents went looking for him, fearing tragedy. They found him under an apple tree, surrounded by Indians. Four-year-old Timothy was instructing the American natives in the catechism. The boy, grandson of colonial preacher, revival leader and educator Jonathan Edwards,…

This Day in HIS-story: January 6

1921 HT: Dan Graves On this day, January 6, 1921, Alexander Whyte died quietly in his sleep. The eighty-five-year-old Scotsman had risen from poverty and illegitimacy to become one of the most prominent pastors in Scotland. His faith began when he was young. Sunday mornings, his hardworking mother, Janet Thomson, took him to the Free…

This Day in HIS-story: January 4

1934 HT Dan Graves After Hitler came to power, he confronted Christians in Germany with uncomfortable choices. At first, few pastors seemed to recognize where Hitler was taking the church. He sought to co-opt both Lutheran and Reformed churches to support his National Socialist Party. Many church people supported him. Sick of the decadence that had…

This Day in HIS-story: January 3

  1560 HT: Dan Graves When Luther’s Reformation began in Germany, it was inevitable that his ideas would seep through border cracks into neighboring Scandinavia. The most vigilant efforts of Denmark’s government and its established church could not stop German ideas, books, and preachers from slipping into the country. A shoemaker’s son was the chief…

This Day in HIS-story: January 2

1625 HT: Dan Graves No doubt it was with some nervousness that John Livingstone preached his first sermon on this day, 2 January 1625 in his father’s pulpit at Kilsyth, Scotland. But his most famous sermon would come five years later.  Born a minister’s son in 1603, John Livingstone decided at a young age to follow Christ.…

This Day in HIS-story: January 1

1519 The Swiss Reformation begins when Huldrych Zwingli assumes his duties as priest of Zurich and begins preaching through the Bible. 1826 HT: Dan Graves David Nasmith‘s heart was broken. 19th-century Scotland was rich in Industry. But when the 27-year-old man looked around his native Glasgow, it was not industrial wealth he saw, but spiritual…