The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

This Day in His-story (Page 12)

This Day in HIS-story: June 20

1776 HT: Christian History Institute John Newton was a slaver when he became a Christian. Some years after leaving the slave trade, he became a staunch anti-slavery man, a Minister in the Church of England, and the author of the hymn “Amazing Grace.” He also counseled people by letter. On this day, 20 June, 1776, he wrote…

This Day in HIS-story: June 19

1745 David Brainerd commences his influential journal when he begins to preach to the Indians at Crossweeksung (in New Jersey). 1787 Death in Haddington of John Brown, a Scottish pastor, author of the Self-Interpreting Bible—a Bible with many marginal notes and comparison of one Scripture to another. He had been a pastor who instructed his…

This Day in HIS-story: June 17

1789 HT: Dan Graves THE HONOR of evangelizing New England for the Methodists belongs to Jesse Lee. Charles Wesley preached in New England in 1736, before the Methodist movement could fairly be said to have gotten off the ground. During the next fifty years, a few other Methodists ventured into New England. None planted churches…

This Day in HIS-story: June 11

1632 John Owen graduates BA from Oxford University. He becomes one of the leading non-conformist preachers of his day and the author of many theological works. A Calvinist, he will strongly oppose Arminian views. 1923 Mildred Cable and the Chinese Trio leave Hwo Chow to set out for Central Asia, uncertain what and where the…

This Day in HIS-story: June 9

597 Death of Columba of Iona, influential Irish missionary to England. He had founded several monasteries which served as centers of faith and learning. 1790 HT: Dan Graves Robert Robinson, born September 27th, 1735, and died June 9th, 1790, was an English Dissident, prominent Baptist, and thinker who made a lifelong examination of the history…

This Day in HIS-story: June 7

1891 HT: Dan Graves Charles Haddon Spurgeon, “Prince of Preachers,” preached his last sermon at the Tabernacle in London on this day, June 7, 1891. Years before, his ministry had almost come to an early end. His congregation had grown so large they had to erect this special building to accommodate the crowds who came to hear him.…

This Day in HIS-story: June 6

1882 HT: Josh Weidmann In 1842 George and Jane Matheson had a child and named him George, obviously and proudly, after his father. His mother was the second cousin to his father, and they both resided in Glasgow, Scotland at the time George, their firstborn child, was birthed. He was the first of eight children, but the only one of his siblings who was…

This Day in HIS-story: June 5

1831 HT: Dan Graves IN 1824 the London Missionary Society set up schools in Madagascar. Seven years later, in May 1831, they held their first baptismal service for new Christians. The following month, on this day 5 June 1831, the Christian converts celebrated the Lord’s Supper for the first time.  Among those who participated in the…